Rhythm and Movement
Using art elements to direct a viewer's eye along a path through the
artwork, and/or to show movement, action and direction. Also, giving
some elements the ability to be moved or move on their own, via internal
or external power.
Movement- In a still picture such as a painting or photograph, where nothing is
actually moving, various strategies can be used to give the viewer a
sense of movement and speed, or to move the viewer's eye through the
work. These include lines, diagonals and unbalanced elements; blurring;
placement; direction; and motion lines and afterimages.To create movement, the design should have a sense of flow in the
picture, a sense of direction. A rhythm in the picture can also cause a
Notice how the picture include the movement through many ways, such as blurring and the motion that the art carries.
Regular Rhythm - Like a heart or song with a steady beat, regular rhythm is created by a series of elements, often identical or similar, that are placed at regular or similar intervals, such as in grids. Simple regular rhythms, if overused, can be monotonous.
Movement is the illusion of motion created by lines, shapes or color that cause the eye to move over the design along those shapes, where as rhythm is the regular repetition of lines, shapes, or color that creates a pattern to the overall design. A rhythm in the picture can also create a movement. For example the famous Starry Night painting by Van gogh, The picture shows movement by the unique painting of cloud/wind which seems to move from left to write, where as the same style of shape is used for stars, moon and the overall color gives a rhythm to the whole design.

Sources: http://flyeschool.com/content/movement, http://flyeschool.com/content/repetition-rhythm-and-pattern, http://abcofdesign.com/2010/03/difference-between-movement-and-rhythm.html
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